“Gill Thompson: The Orphans on the Train” Audiobook Review

Miranda Karlsson
January 21, 2024

You may know her as the master storyteller with a flair for historical fiction. Gill Thompson, whose works have captivated audiences worldwide, is a name synonymous with entrancing narratives and meticulously crafted characters. Her stories often delve into the unexplored crevices of history, bringing to life tales that are as compelling as they are enlightening. Thompson’s novels are not merely stories; they are time machines that transport you back to the past, immersing you in the epoch they depict.

Thompson’s body of work is vast and varied, each novel exhibiting its own unique charm. From the gripping tales of war in ‘The Child on Platform One’ to the heart-wrenching narratives in ‘The Oceans Between Us’, Thompson’s storytelling prowess is evident in every page. Her novels are a testament to her ability to seamlessly weave historical facts with fiction, creating an engaging tapestry of narratives that leave readers enthralled.

However, amongst her numerous works, there is one that stands out for its profound storytelling and exceptional portrayal of characters – ‘The Orphans on the Train’. This novel, a masterpiece in its own right, is arguably Thompson’s most compelling work to date.

Overview of ‘The Orphans on the Train’

‘The Orphans on the Train’ is a captivating tale of resilience, friendship, and the indomitable human spirit. Set against the backdrop of World War II, the novel revolves around the lives of two young orphans, transported away from their war-torn homeland on a train, in a desperate bid for survival. As the train chugs along, these children encounter trials and tribulations that test their resilience, while also fostering bonds of friendship and kinship.

The novel does not merely focus on the physical journey of these orphans; it also delves into their emotional journey, their hopes, fears, and aspirations. As you turn the pages, you are drawn into their world, experiencing their trials and triumphs, their moments of despair and joy. It is a story of survival against all odds, a tale that resonates with grit, determination, and hope.

‘The Orphans on the Train’ is a testament to Thompson’s skill as a storyteller. Through this novel, she paints a poignant picture of the human spirit, its resilience and its capacity to hope, even in the bleakest of circumstances.

Main themes in ‘The Orphans on the Train’

‘The Orphans on the Train’ is not just a story; it is a study of human emotions, resilience, and the power of hope. It explores several themes that resonate with readers across ages and cultures. One of the key themes explored in the novel is the resilience of the human spirit. As you journey alongside the young orphans, you witness their determination to survive, their unyielding spirit that refuses to be crushed by the harsh realities of war.

Another prominent theme in the novel is the power of friendship. Amidst the uncertainty and fear, the bonds of friendship between the orphans emerge as their beacon of hope. Their friendship not only provides them solace but also strength, helping them navigate the harsh realities of their journey.

The novel also explores the theme of hope. Despite the bleak circumstances, the orphans cling on to hope, their unwavering belief in a better tomorrow fuelling their desire to survive. Through these themes, Thompson paints a profound picture of humanity, its strengths, its vulnerabilities, and its indomitable spirit.

In-depth exploration of the storyline and characters

The storyline of ‘The Orphans on the Train’ is a captivating blend of historical facts and fiction. It is a journey through the harsh realities of war, seen through the innocent eyes of the young orphans. The plot is meticulously crafted, keeping you engaged from the first page to the last.

The characters in the novel are as compelling as the story itself. Each character, though fictional, seems real and relatable. Their emotions, their struggles, their hopes and fears are palpable, making you feel a part of their journey. The protagonists, the young orphans, embody resilience and hope. Their courage in the face of adversity, their tenacity, and their unwavering hope make them characters that leave an indelible impact on the readers.

Thompson’s unique writing style in ‘The Orphans on the Train’

Thompson’s writing style in ‘The Orphans on the Train’ is as unique as her storytelling. Her narrative is evocative, painting vivid images that transport you back in time. Her prose is elegant yet powerful, capturing the essence of the era and the emotions of the characters with precision.

Her ability to infuse historical facts with fiction is commendable, making the story not just engaging but also enlightening. Her narrative is rich in detail, providing a comprehensive picture of the era, the circumstances, and the challenges faced by the characters. Her writing style enhances the overall reading experience, making ‘The Orphans on the Train’ a novel that is as enlightening as it is entertaining.

The impact and significance of ‘The Orphans on the Train’

‘The Orphans on the Train’ is not merely a novel; it is a reflection of the human spirit, its resilience, and its capacity to hope. The impact of the novel is profound, resonating with readers across ages and cultures. It is a tale that transcends geographical boundaries and time, touching upon universal themes of resilience, friendship, and hope.

The significance of the novel lies not just in its storytelling but also in its portrayal of history. It presents a slice of history, often overlooked, through a narrative that is both engaging and enlightening. It is a testament to Thompson’s prowess as a writer and her commitment to shedding light on lesser-known aspects of history.

Reader’s perception and reviews of ‘The Orphans on the Train’

Since its release, ‘The Orphans on the Train’ has received overwhelming response from readers worldwide. The novel has been lauded for its compelling storytelling, well-drawn characters, and thematic depth. Readers have appreciated Thompson’s skill in blending historical facts with fiction, creating a narrative that is as engaging as it is enlightening.

The characters, particularly the young orphans, have resonated with readers, their resilience and hope striking a chord with many. The novel’s exploration of themes such as resilience, friendship, and hope have also been appreciated by readers, making it a much-loved work in Thompson’s repertoire.

Comparisons with other works by Gill Thompson

While each of Thompson’s works is unique, ‘The Orphans on the Train’ stands out for its thematic depth and compelling storytelling. The novel’s exploration of themes such as resilience, friendship, and hope is done with a depth and sensitivity that sets it apart from her other works. The portrayal of characters, particularly the young orphans, is another aspect that distinguishes this novel from Thompson’s other works.

Thompson’s unique blend of historical facts and fiction is also more pronounced in this novel, making it not just a compelling read but also an enlightening one. The novel’s exploration of a lesser-known aspect of history adds to its appeal, making it a standout work in Thompson’s repertoire.

Personal interpretation and analysis of ‘The Orphans on the Train’

As a reader, ‘The Orphans on the Train’ is a journey through the harsh realities of war, the resilience of the human spirit, and the power of hope. The novel is a testament to Thompson’s storytelling prowess, her ability to weave historical facts with fiction and create a narrative that is as engaging as it is enlightening.

The characters, particularly the young orphans, are the heart of the novel. Their resilience, their courage, their unwavering hope make them characters that leave an indelible impact. The novel’s exploration of themes such as resilience, friendship, and hope is done with a depth and sensitivity that adds to its appeal.


In conclusion, Gill Thompson’s ‘The Orphans on the Train’ is a masterpiece. It is a riveting tale of resilience, friendship, and hope, set against the backdrop of World War II. With its compelling storyline, well-drawn characters, and thematic depth, it is a novel that leaves a profound impact. Thompson’s unique blend of historical facts and fiction makes the novel not just an engaging read but also an enlightening one. ‘The Orphans on the Train’ is indeed a testament to Thompson’s prowess as a storyteller and her commitment to shedding light on lesser-known aspects of history.

Author Miranda Karlsson