“Lucinda Riley: The Moon Sister” Audiobook Review

Miranda Karlsson
January 21, 2024

Venture into the world of Lucinda Riley’s literary artistry through her enchanting novel, “The Moon Sister.” This masterpiece is the fifth installment in Riley’s acclaimed series, “The Seven Sisters,” each book unraveling the story of a different sister. The Moon Sister is a mesmerizing tale that navigates the life of Tiggy D’Aplièse, set against the backdrop of the wild and beautiful Scottish Highlands and the gypsy caves of Granada, Spain.

Riley’s exceptional writing brings to life the character of Tiggy, a woman deeply connected to her natural surroundings and the animal kingdom. This unique connection leads her on a journey of self-discovery, spirituality, and destiny. If you are new to Riley’s work, you are about to embark on a journey that will captivate your imagination and touch your soul.

The Moon Sister, like all of Riley’s works, is a testament to her ability to weave complex narratives that span different cultures, time periods, and characters. Her novels are not just stories; they are tapestries of human emotion and experience.

Exploring Lucinda Riley’s Writing Style

Lucinda Riley’s writing style is characterized by her ability to transport you to another place and time. Through her vivid and intricate descriptions, she invites you to experience the world through her characters’ eyes. Riley’s prose is rich with sensory details that bring every setting to life. Whether it’s the wind whispering through the Scottish Highlands or the taste of the Spanish paella, you are there, experiencing it alongside Tiggy.

In “The Moon Sister,” Riley masterfully employs a dual timeline, with the narrative alternating between Tiggy’s present-day experiences in Scotland and the historical journey of her ancestor, Lucia, in early 20th century Spain. This technique adds depth and intrigue to the narrative, as the reader eagerly anticipates the convergence of the two timelines.

However, what truly sets Riley’s writing apart is her ability to craft complex and relatable characters. She delves deep into their psyches, unveiling their hopes, fears, joys, and sorrows, making them feel incredibly real to the reader.

Main Themes in “The Moon Sister”

“The Moon Sister” explores several themes that resonate deeply with readers. One of the most prominent themes is the search for identity. Throughout the novel, Tiggy embarks on a journey to understand her origins and discover her true self. This theme is universal, one that every reader can relate to, as we all grapple with understanding who we are and where we come from.

Another significant theme is the importance of family and sisterhood. Throughout “The Moon Sister,” the bonds between the D’Aplièse sisters are evident. Their shared experiences, joys, and heartaches create a tapestry of love and support that is unwavering, despite their individual journeys.

Lastly, Riley explores the theme of connection to nature. Tiggy’s unique bond with the natural world and her ability to heal animals is a central part of her character. This theme underscores the importance of respecting and preserving our natural world.

Character Analysis in “The Moon Sister”

“The Moon Sister” is a character-driven narrative that explores the depths of human emotion and experience. Tiggy D’Aplièse, the protagonist, is a compassionate and spiritual woman with a deep connection to the natural world. Her journey of self-discovery is at the heart of the novel. Through her, Riley explores themes of identity, destiny, and the power of intuition.

Lucia Albaycin, Tiggy’s ancestor, is another central character in the narrative. A gypsy born into poverty in Granada, Spain, Lucia’s life takes a dramatic turn when she is discovered by a flamenco dancer. Her journey is one of ambition, love, and tragedy, providing a compelling historical backdrop to Tiggy’s contemporary story.

The relationship between Tiggy and her six sisters is a defining aspect of the novel. Each sister is distinct, with her own strengths, weaknesses, and individual journey. However, their shared bond and collective experiences create a powerful narrative about the strength of sisterhood.

The Significance of Setting in “The Moon Sister”

Lucinda Riley uses setting as more than just a backdrop in “The Moon Sister.” The harsh, beautiful landscape of the Scottish Highlands, where Tiggy lives and works, mirrors her untamed spirit and deep connection to nature. The isolation and tranquility of the Highlands also provide Tiggy with the space she needs to embark on her journey of self-discovery.

The vibrant city of Granada, Spain, serves as the setting for Lucia’s narrative. The passionate and fiery spirit of the city, with its rich gypsy culture and mesmerizing flamenco, shapes Lucia’s character and destiny. The contrast between the two settings — the wild Scottish Highlands and the bustling Spanish city — adds depth and richness to the narrative.

The Role of Symbolism in “The Moon Sister”

Riley’s use of symbolism in “The Moon Sister” adds an additional layer of depth to the narrative. Animals, particularly a stag and a wildcat, are recurring symbols in the novel. They represent Tiggy’s deep connection to the natural world and her intuitive understanding of animals. They also symbolize her spiritual journey and the guidance she receives in her quest for self-discovery.

The moon, a central symbol in the novel, represents femininity, intuition, and destiny. As the “Moon Sister,” Tiggy’s life is intrinsically tied to these lunar qualities, guiding her on her path.

Flamenco, a symbol of Lucia’s narrative, represents passion, ambition, and the struggle for survival. It’s a symbol of her rise to fame and the challenges she faces in her journey.

Deconstructing the Plot of “The Moon Sister”

“The Moon Sister” is a carefully constructed narrative that weaves together two compelling stories. In the present day, Tiggy is living in the Scottish Highlands, working at a deer sanctuary. After a chance encounter with a mysterious stranger, she is drawn to uncover the truth about her ancestry, leading her to the vibrant city of Granada, Spain.

Simultaneously, the reader is transported to 1930s Spain, where they follow the life of Lucia, a young gypsy girl with a talent for flamenco dancing. Lucia’s life is marked by ambition, love, and heartbreak, providing a fascinating contrast to Tiggy’s quiet life in Scotland.

As the narrative unfolds, Tiggy’s and Lucia’s stories begin to intertwine, building towards a powerful and emotional climax. The plot is a testament to Riley’s skill as a storyteller, drawing the reader in and keeping them captivated until the very last page.

The Impact of “The Moon Sister” on Lucinda Riley’s Readers

“The Moon Sister” has had a profound impact on its readers. Many have expressed how they were moved by Tiggy’s journey of self-discovery, finding inspiration in her resilience and deep connection to nature. The rich cultural and historical backdrop of the novel has also been praised, with readers appreciating the insight into gypsy culture and flamenco dancing in Spain.

The emotional depth of Riley’s characters and her ability to weave together complex narratives has resonated with readers. Many have expressed a sense of loss upon finishing the book, testament to the immersive world Riley creates in “The Moon Sister.”

The Legacy of Lucinda Riley and “The Moon Sister”

Lucinda Riley left an indelible mark on the literary world with her “Seven Sisters” series. “The Moon Sister,” like all of her works, is a testament to her exceptional storytelling skills and her ability to create captivating, character-driven narratives.

Despite her untimely passing in 2021, Lucinda Riley’s legacy endures through her novels. Her ability to transport readers to different places and times, to make them feel a deep connection with her characters, and to weave narratives that are rich with emotion and depth ensures that her works will continue to be cherished by readers for generations to come.


“The Moon Sister” is a stunning example of Lucinda Riley’s talent as a storyteller. With its richly drawn characters, evocative settings, and compelling narrative, it captivates the reader from the first page to the last. It is a story of self-discovery, family, and the connections that bind us all. It invites us to reflect on our own journeys, our own identities, and the shared experiences that unite us. Above all, “The Moon Sister” is a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and the profound impact a well-crafted narrative can have on its readers.

Author Miranda Karlsson