“Susan Abulhawa: My Voice Sought the Wind” Audiobook Review

Miranda Karlsson
January 21, 2024

Meet Susan Abulhawa, a critically acclaimed Palestinian-American author and human rights activist. Born to parents who were refugees of the 1967 war, Abulhawa’s works are deeply rooted in her Palestinian heritage. Her novels, rich with emotion, history, and culture, paint a vivid picture of the Palestinian experience, offering unique perspectives that are often missing from mainstream narratives.

Abulhawa’s debut novel, “Mornings in Jenin,” propelled her to international fame, but it was her collection of poetry, “My Voice Sought the Wind,” that truly showcased her literary prowess. Her works are known for their depth, their contemplation of identity, and their exploration of the human condition, all bound by her distinct and evocative voice.

Overview of ‘My Voice Sought the Wind’

“My Voice Sought the Wind” is a poignant anthology of poems that explore a range of emotions and experiences from love and longing to loss and resilience. Each poem serves as a testament to Abulhawa’s talent for storytelling and her ability to weave words together in a way that stirs the soul.

The collection features verses that are deeply personal yet universally relatable. Abulhawa’s poetry is simultaneously raw and refined, resonating with readers across cultures and experiences. The work is a testament to her ability to articulate complex emotions with utmost clarity and sincerity.

Unpacking the themes in ‘My Voice Sought the Wind’

Abulhawa’s poetry explores various themes, but love, loss, exile, and resistance stand out prominently. Her verses delve into the depths of human emotion, uncovering the raw, unfiltered truths of life, love, and everything in between.

The theme of love permeates through her poetry, not just romantic love, but love for her homeland, her people, and her heritage. Her poems are imbued with a sense of longing and nostalgia, a testament to the displacement and exile that are a part of the Palestinian reality.

The literary devices used by Susan Abulhawa

Abulhawa’s literary prowess shines through her masterful use of literary devices. She employs metaphors, similes, and allegory to convey her thoughts and feelings, engaging readers on a profound, emotional level.

Her use of imagery is particularly notable. In her poetry, she paints vivid pictures that evoke emotions and stir the imagination. Her words leave indelible impressions, creating a sensory experience that lingers long after the last verse has been read.

How ‘My Voice Sought the Wind’ resonates with readers

“My Voice Sought the Wind” resonates with readers on many levels. The rawness of emotion, the depth of insight, and the beauty of the language all contribute to its universal appeal. Readers find themselves reflected in Abulhawa’s verses, their own experiences and feelings mirrored in her words.

The collection strikes a chord with readers who share a similar cultural background, but it also appeals to those who do not. It transcends cultural boundaries, speaking to the universal human experience, making it a truly global work of literature.

The impact of Susan Abulhawa’s writing style on ‘My Voice Sought the Wind’

Abulhawa’s writing style is both powerful and poignant. Her use of language is evocative, her metaphors striking, and her narrative voice compelling. Her style is instrumental in making “My Voice Sought the Wind” the resonant work that it is.

Her writing style is characterized by its emotional intensity and lyrical quality. She has a knack for capturing complex emotions and presenting them with clarity and sensitivity. This, coupled with her ability to tell stories that are both personal and universal, make her works deeply resonant.

Reader’s perspective: Why ‘My Voice Sought the Wind’ is a must-read

From a reader’s perspective, “My Voice Sought the Wind” is a must-read for several reasons. It is a work of great literary merit, showcasing Abulhawa’s talent for storytelling and her mastery of the written word. But beyond that, it is a work that provokes thought, stirs emotion, and invites introspection.

The collection is a journey through the human experience, offering insights into love, loss, exile, and resistance. It is a testament to the power of poetry to evoke emotion, to inspire thought, and to transcend boundaries.

Comparing ‘My Voice Sought the Wind’ to other works by Susan Abulhawa

Compared to her other works, “My Voice Sought the Wind” stands out for its raw emotional intensity and its intimate exploration of the human experience. While her novels are known for their compelling narratives and vivid portrayal of the Palestinian experience, her poetry delves deeper into the realm of emotion, offering a more personal, introspective perspective.

The collection showcases a different side of Abulhawa’s literary talent, her ability to articulate complex emotions with simplicity and clarity. It is a testament to her versatility as a writer and her ability to connect with readers on a profound, emotional level.

The legacy of Susan Abulhawa’s literary genius

Susan Abulhawa’s literary genius lies in her ability to weave words together in a way that resonates with readers. Her works are a testament to her talent for storytelling, her mastery of the written word, and her deep understanding of the human condition.

Through her works, she has carved out a place for herself in the literary world, earning recognition and acclaim from readers and critics alike. Her impact extends beyond literature, influencing the discourse on the Palestinian experience and contributing to a greater understanding of the human condition.


In conclusion, Susan Abulhawa’s “My Voice Sought the Wind” is a powerful collection of poetry that resonates with readers on many levels. It is a testament to her literary genius, showcasing her talent for storytelling, her mastery of the written word, and her deep understanding of the human condition. Her works are a testament to the power of literature to evoke emotion, inspire thought, and transcend boundaries.

Author Miranda Karlsson