„Kelly Rimmer: Zanim pozwolę ci odejść” – recenzja audiobooka

Miranda Karlsson
25 stycznia, 2024

Kelly Rimmer is an acclaimed Australian author known for her gripping narratives and complex character development. One of her most notable works is 'Before I Let You Go’, a novel that delves into the intricacies of family relationships, addiction, and societal prejudices. The book pulls you into the heart of an emotionally charged story, leaving you with a profound understanding of the human condition.

’Before I Let You Go’ revolves around the lives of two sisters, Annie and Lexie, grappling with the effects of addiction and the stigma associated with it. It provides a raw and authentic portrayal of the struggles they face, making it a compelling read. Rimmer’s storytelling prowess shines through in this novel, as she masterfully weaves a tapestry of emotion, empathy, and redemption.

Overview of 'Before I Let You Go’

’Before I Let You Go’ is a novel that explores the bond between two sisters, one of whom, Annie, is struggling with drug addiction. The story unfolds from the perspective of the other sister, Lexie, a successful doctor, as she attempts to help Annie out of her predicament.

In the book, Rimmer does not shy away from shedding light on the dark realities of substance abuse. She portrays the insidious nature of addiction and its far-reaching effects on the addicted person and their loved ones. The narrative takes us on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, from despair and fear to hope and love.

The plot of 'Before I Let You Go’ is as much about the strength of sisterly love as it is about the destructive force of addiction. Rimmer paints a vivid picture of the sacrifices made in the name of love and the lengths one would go to protect a loved one.

Understanding the themes in 'Before I Let You Go’

Several themes run through 'Before I Let You Go’, each contributing to the depth and richness of the narrative. The primary theme is the struggle with addiction, which Rimmer explores with sensitivity and insight. She illuminates the complexities of addiction, revealing it to be more than just a personal failing.

Another prominent theme is the power of sisterhood. The bond between Lexie and Annie is unbreakable, despite the turmoil and pain that addiction brings. Their relationship forms the backbone of the narrative, highlighting the strength and resilience that can exist in familial relationships.

Rimmer also explores the theme of societal judgment and prejudice. Through the experiences of Annie, she points out the harsh and often unjust treatment of those battling addiction by society and the legal system. This theme adds a layer of social commentary to the novel, challenging readers to reassess their attitudes towards addiction.

Analysis of the narratives in 'Before I Let You Go’

Rimmer’s narrative approach in 'Before I Let You Go’ is multi-faceted, employing both first-person and third-person perspectives. This dual narrative gives readers a more comprehensive understanding of the characters and their experiences.

The narrative is structured to elicit empathy for the characters, particularly Annie, who is often viewed through the lens of her addiction. By presenting her story in her own voice, Rimmer humanizes Annie, encouraging readers to see her as a person rather than a stereotype.

The narrative also serves to highlight the struggle and helplessness that Lexie feels as she watches her sister’s life unravel. Her perspective offers insight into the challenges faced by those who love and care for individuals battling addiction.

The role of characters in exploring themes and narratives

Characters play a significant role in exploring themes and narratives in 'Before I Let You Go’. Through the characters of Lexie and Annie, Rimmer is able to delve into complex issues such as addiction, familial bonds, and societal prejudices.

Lexie, as the voice of reason and resilience, represents the struggle of those who bear the weight of a loved one’s addiction. Her character provides a stark contrast to Annie’s, allowing readers to understand the multi-dimensional impact of addiction.

Annie, on the other hand, embodies the harsh realities of drug dependency. Through her character, Rimmer is able to challenge societal views on addiction, presenting it as a disease that requires understanding, compassion, and treatment.

The use of setting in 'Before I Let You Go’

Rimmer effectively uses setting in 'Before I Let You Go’ to enhance the themes and narratives. The backdrop of a small town in Alabama, with its conservative values and prejudices, underscores the societal judgment and stigma that Annie faces.

The setting also serves to heighten the feeling of isolation and helplessness that both sisters experience. The small town environment, with its limited resources and understanding of addiction, adds to the hurdles that Lexie and Annie must overcome.

The impact of 'Before I Let You Go’ on readers

’Before I Let You Go’ leaves an indelible impact on readers, challenging them to rethink their perceptions of addiction. The novel’s raw and honest portrayal of the struggles of addiction – both for the addict and their loved ones – is a sobering reminder of the human cost of this disease.

The book also invites readers to reflect on the power of love, forgiveness, and resilience. The bond between Lexie and Annie, and their unwavering devotion to each other, is a testament to the strength of familial relationships.

Kelly Rimmer’s writing style in 'Before I Let You Go’

Rimmer’s writing style in 'Before I Let You Go’ is characterized by its emotional depth and authenticity. She has a knack for capturing the intricacies of human relationships, making her characters relatable and their experiences deeply moving.

Rimmer’s storytelling is immersive, drawing readers into the world she has created. Her nuanced portrayal of addiction and its effects on individuals and families is both enlightening and thought-provoking.

Comparing 'Before I Let You Go’ with other works by Kelly Rimmer

’Before I Let You Go’ stands out in Rimmer’s body of work for its poignant exploration of addiction and family dynamics. However, it shares commonalities with her other novels in terms of its focus on complex human relationships and societal issues.

Like 'Before I Let You Go’, Rimmer’s other novels also showcase her ability to tackle difficult subjects with sensitivity and insight. Whether it’s exploring the impact of war in 'The Things We Cannot Say’ or delving into the complexities of marriage in 'Truths I Never Told You’, Rimmer’s storytelling is consistently compelling and emotionally resonant.


In conclusion, 'Before I Let You Go’ is a powerful novel that explores the complexities of addiction, familial bonds, and societal prejudices. Rimmer’s masterful storytelling, coupled with her insightful exploration of these themes, makes this a must-read. The book challenges us to rethink our views on addiction and reminds us of the power of love and resilience in the face of adversity.

Author Miranda Karlsson